
It is wrong to expect a reward for the struggle.
The reward is the act of the struggle itself, not what you win.

~Phil Ochs

Altering how you feel

You sometimes wonder, “What makes me feel this way? Why did I respond in that manner? Why am I afraid of particular situations?” No matter how hard you try, answers to these questions simply remain unanswered.

The way you respond and the way you act may reside in your unconscious. You want to change and to gain control of how you feel, but you are simply unable to make the changes necessary.

Psychoanalysis provides a means of making sense of how your brain processes feelings. It can help you identify the causes of your emotions, thus providing an avenue for change and self-awareness.

Requirements for client and therapist

Psychoanalysis is suited to some but not everyone. It is a particularly good fit for those wanting to develop a deeper understanding of themselves. It helps you understand your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. This method involves meeting 3-5 times a week.

No psychoanalyst can provide psychoanalysis without having gone through an analysis, supervision, and training themselves. It is considered the deepest exploration of the self, providing a lasting transformative therapeutic experience.

I have years of specialized training beyond being a clinical social worker.

Why does psychoanalysis require such frequency?

The frequency of sessions supports deeper work and helps maintain the intensity of the material. Your focus shifts from simply reporting day-to-day issues to being more aware of your inner life.

The greater frequency helps to keep “the heat on.” When you are meeting most days of the week, there’s more time to reflect and explore.

The painful work uncovered one day has less time to go underground. The links from the unconscious to the conscious mind – from one day to the next – can be kept fresh and alive, both in the analyst’s mind and in the client’s mind.

Are you ready for psychoanalysis?

If you are curious about this kind of study of your mind; curious about your dreams; interested in your unconscious; AND if you have the time, fortitude, and commitment for this type of life’s adventure, you may really like having an analysis.

You may be longing to understand your unyielding lifelong patterns, your personality, your relationships, and why you feel stuck. If this sounds like you, psychoanalysis may be your choice.

Patients who take the time for psychoanalysis find the experience invaluable.

Though this is your journey to take…

… you don’t have to take it alone. Together, we can find solutions and help you make changes.

Call me at (516) 621-1898 to schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation.