Food, Weight and Body Issues

If you think your job is to fix what’s broken, you keep finding
more and more broken places to mend.

~Geneen Roth

Weighing the options

Thoughts about what you eat, when you eat, how much you eat is a repeating saga. You have these thoughts every moment of every day.

Although you have tried multiple diets, the results are lost weight, quickly gained back again and again. You feel ashamed that you use food to self-soothe, medicate, or hide your feelings from yourself or others.

Keeping secret thoughts about your weight

You struggle with your weight, your feelings about yourself, and your relationship with food – but you don’t talk about it with anyone.

These thoughts follow you around like a noose around your neck. They create a feeling of hopelessness. Will you ever be free from this obsession with food, eating, or your weight?

Finding safety around food

You eat when you’re not hungry, and you don’t know when you’ve had enough. You wish you knew what actual hunger was! You really want to learn to feel safe around food.

If you do nothing, you stay the same.

You can transform your relationship with food and your body in ways you never thought possible. But it takes work, commitment, and showing up. It means talking to someone about your problem.

Many of my patients learn to trust my soft-spoken, responsive, and genuine way of relating. Through collaborative work, we can change these internal struggles to find you a more positive, relaxing way of life.

While this is your journey to take, you don’t have to take it alone.

I am willing to be your fellow traveler on this journey. You can discover a fresh you that can build a new relationship with food.

Call me at (516) 621-1898 to schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation.